A – Classical Works
Emmanuel G. REY, Étude sur les Monuments de l’Architecture Militaire des Croisés en Syrie et dans l’Ile de Chypre, (Collection des documents inédits sur l’histoire de France. Sér. VI: Publications archéologiques) Paris 1871 (online)
Paul DESCHAMPS, Les Châteaux des Croisés en Terre Sainte, vol. I: Le Crac des Chevaliers. Étude historique et archéologique, (Bibliothèque archéologique et historique, 19) Paris 1934, vol. II: La Défense du Royaume de Jérusalem. Étude historique, géographique et monumentale, Bibliothèque archéologique et historique, 34) Paris 1939, vol. III: La Défense du Comté de Tripoli et de la Principauté d’Antioche. Étude historique, géographique, toponymique et monumentale, (Bibliothèque archéologique et historique, 90) Paris 1973
Thomas E. LAWRENCE, Crusader Castles, 2 vols., London 1936; new ed., with introduction and notes by Denys Pringle, Oxford 1988
Robin FEDDEN, John THOMSON, Crusader Castles, London 1950, ²1957
Wolfgang MÜLLER-WIENER, Burgen der Kreuzritter im Heiligen Land, auf Zypern und in der Ägäis, München, Berlin 1966; Engl. ed.: Castles of the Crusaders, London 1966
Thomas S.R. BOASE, Castles and Churches of the Crusading Kingdom, London, Oxford, New York, Toronto 1967
Thomas S.R. BOASE, Kingdoms and Strongholds of the Crusaders, London 1971
Henri-Paul EYDOUX, Les Châteaux du Soleil.
Forteresses et Guerres des
Croisés, Paris 1982
B – Modern works
Hugh KENNEDY, Crusader Castles, Cambridge 1994 (preview)
Kristian MOLIN, The role of castles in the political and military history of the Crusader States and the Levant, 1187 to 1380, (PhD) Leeds 1995
Luigi MARINO (ed.), La fabbrica dei castelli crociati in Terra Santa, Firenze 1997
Adrian BOAS, Crusader Archaeology: The Material Culture of the Latin East, London, New York 1999
Kristian MOLIN, Unknown Crusader Castles, London 2001 (preview)
Nicolas FAUCHERRE, Jean MESQUI, Nicolas PROUTEAU (eds.), La fortification au temps des Croisades, Rennes 2004
Adrian BOAS, Archaeology of the Military Orders. A survey of the urban centres, rural settlement and castles of the Military Orders in the Latin East (c. 1120–1291), London, New York 2006
Ronnie ELLENBLUM, Crusader Castles and Modern Histories, Cambridge 2007 (preview)
David NICOLLE, Crusader Castles in the Holy Land. An Illustrated History of the Crusader Fortifications of the Middle East and the Mediterranean, Oxford 2008
Mathias PIANA (ed.), Burgen und Städte der Kreuzzugszeit, (Studien zur internationalen Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte, 65) Petersberg 2008
Nicolas PROUTEAU (ed.), Un patrimoine commun en méditerranée. Fortifications de l’époque des croisades, (ICOMOS) Paris 2008
Jean-Claude VOISIN, Fortifications du Moyen Âge au Proche-Orient. De l’inventaire au relevé, géographie féodale, emprunts et échanges, Beyrouth 2009
Nicolas PROUTEAU (ed.), Châteaux et fortifications des croisades. Innovations ou imitations?, (Histoire et Images Médiévales; Thématique, 20) Apt 2010
Jean-Jacques LANGENDORF, Gérard ZIMMERMANN, Les châteaux des Croisades. Conquête et défense des États latins, XIe-XIIIe siècles, Gollion 2011
Eva MOL, Hidden Complexities of the Frankish Castle. Social Aspects of Space in the Configurational Architecture of Frankish Castles in the Holy Land, 1099-1291, (Archaeological Studies Leiden University, 25) Leiden 2012
Hans Wolfram KESSLER, Konrad KESSLER, Ritter im
Heiligen Land. Kreuzfahrerstätten in Israel, Darmstadt/Mainz
C – Works on fortifications in selected areas of the Levant and in Cyprus
Emmanuel G. REY, Essai sur la domination française en Syrie durant le Moyen Age, Paris 1866 (online)
Camille ENLART, L‘art gothique et la Renaissance en Chypre, 2 vols., Paris 1899; Engl. ed.: David HUNT, Gothic Art and the Renaissance in Cyprus, London 1987
Santino LANGÈ, Architettura delle Crociate in Palestina, Como 1965 (online)
Gianni PERBELLINI, Le fortificazioni di Cipro dal X al XVI secolo, Roma 1975
Akram SATEH, Citadels and Castles in Syria, Damascus 1975
Hansgerd HELLENKEMPER, Burgen der Kreuzritterzeit in der Grafschaft Edessa und im Königreich Kleinarmenien. Studien zur historischen Siedlungsgeographie Südost-Kleinasiens, (Geographica Historica, 1) Bonn 1976
Robert W. EDWARDS, The Fortifications of Medieval Cilicia, 2 vols., (PhD) Berkeley 1983
Denys PRINGLE, The Red Tower (al-Burj al-Ahmar). Settlement in the Plain of Sharon at the Time of the Crusaders and Mamluks, A.D. 1099–1516, (British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem. Monograph Series, 1) London 1986
Robert W. EDWARDS, The Fortifications of Armenian Cilicia, (Dumbarton Oaks Studies, 23) Washington D.C. 1987
Mik'ayêl YOVHANNÊSEAN, Haykakan Kilikioy berdern ow berdak'aġak'nerẹ. Châteaux et places-fortes de la Cilicie arménienne, Venetik 1989
Hans-Ulrich WIBLINGER, The Mountain Castles of Cyprus, Nicosia 1993
Zakieh HANNA, The Castles and Archaeological Sites in Tartous Governorate, Damascus 1994
Stephen C. SPITERI, Fortresses of the Cross. Hospitaller Military Architecture (1136-1798), Valletta 1994
Denys PRINGLE, Secular buildings in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem. An archaeological gazetteer, Cambridge 1997 (preview)
Levon NORDIGUIAN, Jean-Claude VOISIN, Châteaux et Églises du Moyen Age au Liban, Beyrouth 1999
Denys PRINGLE, Fortification and Settlement in Crusader Palestine, (Variorum Collected Studies Series, 675) Aldershot 2000
Jean-Claude VOISIN, Le Temps des Forteresses en Syrie du Nord VIème - XVème Siècles, Beyrouth 2000
Stephen C. SPITERI, Fortresses of the Knights, Sliema (Malta) 2001
Jean MESQUI, Châteaux d’Orient. Syrie, Liban, Paris 2001
Giovanni COPPOLA, Fortezze medievali in Siria e in Libano al tempo delle Crociate, Pratola Serra 2002
Jean-Claude VOISIN, Les Citadelles du Royaume Arménien de Cilicie XII° - XIV° Siècle, Beyrouth 2002
Stefano BERTOCCI, Marco BINI (eds.), Castelli di pietre. Aspetti formali e materiali dei castelli crociati nell'area di Petra in Transgiordania, Firenze 2004
Nicolas FAUCHERRE, Benjamin Z. KEDAR, Jean MESQUI (eds.), L’architecture en Terre sainte au temps de Saint Louis, (Bulletin monumental, 164-1) Paris 2006
Antonio CADEI, La forma del castello. L’imperatore Federico II e la Terrasanta, (Mezzogiorno Medievale, 1) Città di Castello 2006
Jean-Bernard DE VAIVRE, Philippe PLAGNIEUX (eds.), L’art gothique en Chypre, (Mémoires de l‘Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 34) Paris 2006
Stefano BERTOCCI, Marco BINI (eds.), Castelli medievali a Petra e nel Vicino Oriente tra rilievo e archeologia: atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 21-25 ottobre 2004, Firenze 2009
Eyas AL-KHATEEB, Masonry Structures at the Crusader Castles in Syria. Building Material, Building Technique, Damage and Conservation Methodology, (PhD) Dresden 2008
Marco BINI, Cecilia LUSCHI (eds.), Castelli e Cattedrali. Sulle Tracce del Regno Crociato di Gerusalemme. Resoconti di Viaggio in Israele / Castles and Cathedrals. On the Trail of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem. Account of a Journey to Israel, Firenze 2009
Guido VANNINI, Michele NUCCIOTTI (eds.), Da Petra a Shawbak. Archeologia di una frontiera. Firenze, 13 luglio - 11 ottobre 2009, Firenze, Milano 2009
James PETRE, Crusader Castles of Cyprus. The Fortifications of Cyprus under the Lusignans: 1191 - 1489, (Texts and Studies in the History of Cyprus, 69) Nicosia 2012
Jean-Bernard DE VAIVRE (ed.), Monuments médiévaux de
Chypre: Photographies de la mission de Camille Enlart en 1896,
Paris 2012
D – Works on fortifications of the Latin Empire of Constantinople and successor states
Giuseppe GEROLA, Monumenti veneti nell’isola di Creta. Ricerche e descrizione, 4 vols., Venezia 1905-1932
Kevin ANDREWS, Castles of the Morea, (Gennadeion monographs, 4) Princeton 1953, revised ed. 2006
Eric FORBES-BOYD, In Crusader Greece. A tour of the castles of the Morea, London 1964
Ιωάννου Θ. ΣΦΗΚΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, Τα μεσαιωνικά κάστρα του Μορηά, Aθήνα 1968 [Ioannes Th. SPHEKOPOULOS, The Medieval Castles of the Morea, Athens 1968]
Antoine BON, La Morée franque. Recherches historiques, topographiques et archéologiques sur la principauté d’Achaïe (1205 - 1430), 2 vols., (Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome, 213) Paris 1969
Chlodwig PLEHN Kreuzritterburgen auf dem Peloponnes, München, Zürich 1977
Paul HETHERINGTON, Byzantine and medieval Greece. Churches, castles, and art of the mainland and the Peloponnese, London 1991
Michael LOSSE, Der Johanniterstaat in der Ägäis (1309-1522). Aspekte der Burgen- und Festungspolitik des Johanniter-Ordens im Bereich des heutigen Griechenland sowie der Türkei, (Schriften der Hessischen Genossenschaft des Johanniter-Ordens, 19) Speyer 1993
Athena-Christina LOUPOU-ROKOU, The Aegean Fortresses and Castles, Athens 1999
Νίκος Δ. Κοντογιάννης, Μεσαιωνικά κάστρα και οχυρώσεις της Κω, Αθήνα 2002 [Níkos D. KONTOGIANNIS, Medieval Castles and Fortifications of Kos, Athens 2002] (online)
Martine BREUILLOT, Châteaux oubliés de la Messénie médiévale, Paris 2005
Πέτρος Ι. ΣΑΡΑΝΤΑΚΗΣ, Αρκαδία. Οι Ακροπόλεις – τα Κάστρα & οι Πύργοι της, σιωπηλά ερείπια μιας δοξασμένης γης, Aθήνα 2006 [Arkadia. The Acropoleis - Their Castles and Towers, a Glorious Earth]
David NICOLLE, Crusader Castles in Cyprus, Greece and the Aegean 1191-1571, (Fortress, 59) Oxford 2007 (preview)
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Athanasios K. VIONIS, A Crusader, Ottoman and Early
Modern Aegean Archaeology. Built Environment and Domestic Material
Culture in the Medieval and Post-Medieval Cyclades, Greece (13th-20th
Century AD), (Archaeological Studies Leiden University, 22)
Leiden 2012 (preview)
E – Works on Muslim military architecture in the Levant
Terry ALLEN, Ayyubid Architecture, Occidental 1999 (electronic publication)
Peter WILLEY, The Eagles Nest. Ismaili Castles in Iran and Syria, London 2004
Andrew PETERSEN, The Towns of Palestine under Muslim Rule AD 600-1600, (BAR International Series, 1381) Oxford 2005 (online)
Benjamin MICHAUDEL, Les fortifications ayyoubides et mamloukes en Syrie côtière de la fin du XIIe siècle au début du XIVe siécle, (PhD) Paris 2005
Hugh KENNEDY (ed.), Muslim Military Architecture in Greater Syria. From the Coming of Islam to the Ottoman Period, (History of Warfare, 35) Leiden, Boston 2006
Cyril YOVITCHITCH, Forteresses ayyoubides de la principauté de Damas: contribution à l’histoire des fortifications médiévales proche-orientales en terre d’Islam, (PhD) Paris 2007
Stefano BIANCA (ed.), Syria. Medieval Citadels Between East and West, Torino 2007 (online)
David NICOLLE, Saracen Strongholds AD 630–1050. The Middle East and Central Asia, (Fortress, 76) Oxford 2008
David NICOLLE, Saracen Strongholds 1100–1500. The Central and Eastern Islamic Lands, (Fortress, 87) Oxford 2009
Kate RAPHAEL, Muslim Fortresses in the Levant. Between Crusaders and Mongols, (Culture and Civilization in the Middle East, 23) London 2011
Cyril YOVITCHITCH, Forteresses du Proche-Orient.
L’architecture militaire des Ayyoubides, Paris 2011
F - Monographs (in alphabetical order)
Ekaterini C. ARISTIDOU, Kolossi Castle through the centuries, Nicosia 52004
Ekaterini C. ARISTIDOU, Pafos Castle: with a short history of the town, its fortifications and the district, Nicosia 32004
Hervé BARBÉ, Le château de Safed et son territoire à l’époque des Croisades, (PhD) Jerusalem 2010
Antonio BATTISTA, Bellarmino BAGATTI, La fortezza saracena del Monte Tabor (A.H. 609-15; AD 1212-18), (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. Collectio minor, 18) Jerusalem 1976
Sophie BERTHIER, Edmond EL-AJJI, Etudes et travaux à la citadelle de Damas, 2000-2001: un prémier bilan, in: BEO 53-54 (2003), Supplément
Stefano BERTOCCI, Il castello crociato di Wu‘eira a Petra: metodologie per il rilievo archeologico, (PhD) Firenze 1995
Thomas BILLER, Der Crac des Chevaliers. Die Baugeschichte einer Ordensburg der Kreuzfahrerzeit, (Forschungen zu Burgen und Schlössern, Sonderband 3) Regensburg 2006
Thomas BILLER, Daniel BURGER, Timm RADT, Montfort und der frühe Burgenbau des Deutschen Ordens, (Forschungen zu Burgen und Schlössern, Sonderband 5) Petersberg 2015
Adrian BOAS, Montfort Castle. The Western Wing and the Great Hall, Haifa 2012
Adrian BOAS, Rabei G. KHAMISY (eds.), Montfort. History, Early Research and Recent Studies of the Principal Fortress of the Teutonic Order in the Latin East, (The Medieval Mediterranean, 107) Leiden, Boston 2017
Janusz BYLINSKI, Qal‘at Shirkuh at Palmyra: A Medieval Fortress Reinterpreted, in: BEO 51 (1999), pp. 151-208
Halet ÇAMBEL, Reha GÜNAY, Ayyüz (Toydemir) SABUNCU, Kumkale. Toros Eteklindere Bir Haçlı Kalesi [Kumkale. A Crusader Castle at the Foot of the Taurus Mountains], Istanbul 2007
Rhys CARPENTER, Antoine BON, The Defenses of Acrocorinth and the Lower Town, (Corinth. Results of Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Vol. 3, Part 2), Cambridge 1936
Paul CASANOVA, Histoire et description de la citadelle du Caire, 2 vols., (Mémoires publiés par les membres de la mission archéologique française du Caire, t. 6, fasc. 4 & 5) Paris 1894, 1897
Manolis CHATZIDAKIS, Mystras. The Medieval City and the Castle. A Complete Guide to the Churches, Palaces and the Castle, Athens 1990
Paul E. CHEVEDDEN, The Citadel of Damascus, 2 vols., (PhD) Los Angeles 1986
Paul DESCHAMPS, Les Châteaux des Croisés en Terre Sainte, vol. I: Le Crac des Chevaliers. Étude historique et archéologique, (Bibliothèque archéologique et historique, 19) Paris 1934
Ronnie ELLENBLUM, Amnon RAMON, The Walls of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 1995
Eckart FIENE, Die Burg von Kyrenia. Ein Führer durch Geschichte und Bauwerk, Hannover ²1993
Julia GONNELLA, Wahid KHAYYATA, Kay KOHLMEYER, Die Zitadelle von Aleppo und der Tempel des Wettergottes. Neue Forschungen und Entdeckungen, Münster 2005
Julia GONNELLA, The Citadel of Aleppo. Description, History, Site Plan & Visitor Tour, Geneva 2008 (online)
Thierry GRANDIN, The Castle of Salah ad-Din. Description, History, Site Plan & Visitor Tour, Geneva 2008 (online)
Hanspeter HANISCH, Die ayyūbidischen Toranlagen der Zitadelle von Damaskus. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des mittelalterlichen Festungsbauwesens in Syrien, Wiesbaden 1996
Hanspeter HANISCH, Hromklay. Die armenische Klosterfestung am Euphrat. Eine baugeschichtliche Untersuchung, Bregenz 2002
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Hanspeter HANISCH, Die Zitadelle von Damaskus 14/635 – 1410/1995, in: Urbain Vermeulen, Kristof D’hulster (eds.), Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras V, (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 169) Leuven 2007, pp. 235-305
Richard P. HARPER, Denys PRINGLE, Belmont Castle. The Excavation of a Crusader Stronghold in the Kingdom of Jerusalem, (British Academy Monographs in Archaeology, 10) Oxford 2000
Moshe HARTAL, The al-Ṣubayba (Nimrod) Fortress: Towers 11 and 9, (Israel Antiquities Authority Reports, 11) Jerusalem 2001
Haytham HASAN, The Citadel of Masyaf. Description, History, Site Plan & Visitor Tour, Geneva 2008 (online)
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Cedric N. JOHNS, The Citadel, Jerusalem: A Summary of Work since 1934, in: QDAP 14 (1950). pp. 121-190, reprint in: Pilgrim’s Castle (‘Atlit), David’s Tower (Jerusalem) and Qal‘at ar-Rabad (‘Ajlun): Three Middle Eastern Castles from the Time of the Crusades, ed. Denys Pringle, Aldershot 1997, no. VII
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